Saturday, June 4, 2011

Good things come to those who wait...

I have always believed the saying, "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait" but that doesn't mean it's easy waiting.  As I typed at the beginning of this week, I had joined a new Christian online dating website, with new optimism, as I had only done the free sign up and I was already getting attention.  I spent a bit of energy and excitement getting to know one guy earlier in the week, who, by mid-week lost interest in me, I guess is how you'd put it.  Wednesday night was a let-down in that regard, but everything happens for a reason, right?

If it weren't for Wednesday night not working out, I wouldn't have been home last night.  As my friend called to check in on me on her way out of town, I said I will be fine.  As much as I hoped he'd be someone to hang out with, I knew he wasn't the one for me.  She said she could sense that from talking to me during the week, but still felt bad.  I understand, as it was a beautiful Friday night, sitting out on my deck eating dinner alone.  Well, I wasn't really alone, I had a robin, blue bird and cardinal nearby...or yes and a beautiful yellow swallowtail butterfly keeping me entertained.  The trees have now filled in enough that it really does feel more private out there now.  Even though I'm in town, I have a yard filled with mature trees.  In the fall in beautiful and tiresome for all the raking, but right now I am grateful for their shade and privacy.  I finished my dinner and sat in the lounge chair I don't think I even used once last summer.  I then began reading my book and enjoyed the light breeze through the humidity.  It was a little while later that my friend called to check in on me, as I had sent her an email on the sour note the conversations with the guy from last weekend had ended.  I explained that in the big picture, it would be okay and was for the best.  I was okay.

A little while later, the sun was setting and I headed inside to search again on the Christian dating site...I received a few more "smiles" as they call them and checked in to see who had sent them as well as who had viewed my profile recently.  It was then that something in a profile caught my eye...I'm not sure what exactly it was in the summary but he was online then, as the little "IM me" button was flashing, so I clicked it.  From then until three something in the morning we typed and typed...IM'd online and then on our cell phones...until finally I said, I have to get some sleep!  In the morning, I got up and looked at the pics on his Facebook page again, as we had became Facebook Friends during the course of the evening, and then texted him "Good Morning" to kick off the morning...that was about eight hours ago and we haven't stopped contact for more than an hour since.  We have so much in common, which is so fun and nice when you can relate.  He is all of five months older than me, has also been through a divorce and actually enjoys reading books! :)  He has some of the same authors I have.  He has a daughter just a couple years older than my own, who he is a full time dad too during the school year and then she spends her summers with her mom...which as my sister pointed out earlier today, will make for a fun summer for me/us then.

I forgot which comment I was repeated to my sister that she jumped in with the "brownie points" response, but I said he had already earned brownie points for something else.  He apologized for having to take his daughter to his niece's birthday party this evening, as he wouldn't be able to talk for an hour or so...which is just fine, as it's giving me a chance to share my happiness on here.  We are meeting in person tomorrow for the first time.  The only downfall, if you would call it, is that he live about 3 hours we are meeting halfway in the early afternoon.  He did comment on how his best friend is dating someone in Madison right now, which right by me, so he could carpool with him to visit me.  When I questioned last night about whether he thought a relationship could work from this distance, he made some comment regarding you never know.  He's right, I guess you just have to take a chance.  With all of the forms of technology these days...between learning about each other through our Facebook pages, IMing, texting and talking on the phone for hours now, we have covered quite a bit of the important stuff and can already get a good sense of his values/beliefs.  To hear a man tell me he attends church pretty much every week...and when I questioned, well what would happen if you missed a week...his response was, well I could, but then that next week just hasn't started off in the right way, it's like you are missing out on something.  I completely got where he was coming from.

Hmm....maybe good things do come to those who least a first date finally will.  On the river too.

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